TGSB 2013 RFP’s – Texas Grain Sorghum Board (TGSB) is now accepting proposals for the 2013-project year for applied (on farm) research and for the domestic and international marketing of sorghum. Proposals are due Oct 29, 2012 and upon approval by the board at their December 2012 meeting, will begin on January 1, 2013. The proposal should three pages or less and the desired funding amount should not exceed $10,000. The board is looking for research that improves that profitability of sorghum; marketing that addresses the development of new markets; studies that involve movement of grain into markets; research that develops new uses of grain sorghum; and/or promotion that introduces sorghum to new sources. For a detailed outbreak of guidelines and deadlines, please view TGSB’s website here.
Schnell to Serve as State Sorghum and Corn Specialist – Texas A&M AgriLife has hired Dr. Ronnie Schnell to serve as state cropping systems specialist for sorghum and corn. Schnell will serve a joint appointment with AgriLife Extension and Texas A&M AgriLife Research. His goal will be to develop and provide information to the Texas agriculture community on profitable and water-efficient production systems, which include sorghum, corn and bioenergy crops as reported by Texas AgriLife. Schnell is a native of Central Texas, earned his bachelor’s degree in horticulture and crop science from Sam Houston State University in 2002, his master’s in agronomy in 2007 and a doctorate in agronomy in 2010 – both from Texas A&M University. Prior to this appointment, he worked at the University of Florida-West Florida Research and Education Center. Texas Grain Sorghum Producer’s staff recently met with Dr. Schnell and is already working on ways to improve the accessibility of sorghum information to grower’s across the state. We congratulate Dr. Schnell on this new position and we look forward to working with him in the future.
SURE Sign-Up for 2011 Crop Losses – Farm Service Agency (FSA) Administrator Juan Garcia announced the sign-up period for the 2011 crop year Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) program will open Oct. 22nd. SURE authorizes assistance to farmers and ranchers who suffered crop losses caused by natural disasters occurring through Sept. 30, 2011. For more information on the 2011 SURE program, visit your local FSA office or visit
Past TGSP Director Laid to Rest – Howard Salge of Tynan, Texas passed away on Oct. 4th. He was a Board of Director for the Texas Grain Sorghum Board and Association in the 1980’s. Howard’s son, Darby, continues to farm in the Tynan area. TGSP’s condolences go out to his family and we were grateful for his leadership in the sorghum industry.