Texas Water Development Board – Interested in viewing reports on state groundwater, surface water and the state of the drought? The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) releases annual financial reports, state drought conditions and summaries, the State Water Plan, Texas water conditions reports, and many others on their website and it may be accessed by clicking here. TWDB is a state agency that plans for the state’s water resources and provides affordable water and wastewater services. The TWDB also provides water planning, data collection and dissemination, financial assistance and technical assistance services to the citizens of Texas.
TGSB RFP – The Texas Grain Sorghum Board (TGSB) has opened its Request for Proposals (RFP) for 2014. Proposals are due to Morgan – morgan.newsom@gmail.com by October 15, 2013. The recommended size of the proposals should be $10,000. Priorities include: applied research that improves the profitability of sorghum; marketing that addresses development of new markets; studies that involve movement of grain into markets; research that develops new uses of grain sorghum; and promotion that introduces sorghum to new sources. Proposals will be ranked and approved at the December 2013 board meeting. For more information, please contact TGSP staff.
South Texas Commodity Symposium – Join us for the 4th Annual South Texas Commodity Symposium (STCS) in conjunction with the Texas AgXchange Farm & Ranch Show in Robstown, TX! The symposium will be held on Wednesday, October 2, 2013, beginning at 9:00 a.m. with coffee and donuts. The speaking portion of the program will begin at 9:30 a.m. and end at 11:30 a.m. George Knapek, the program director for the representative farms of the Texas A&M Ag and Food Policy Center, will begin the program with a Farm Bill update. There will then be legislative and crop updates from each commodity – corn, sorghum and cotton. Those speakers include: Scott Averhoff, Texas Corn Producers Board Chairman; Tim Lust, National Sorghum Producers Executive Director; and Gary Adams, National Cotton Council Vice President of Economics and Policy Analysis. The program will conclude with a question and answer panel by all speakers. All attendees to the symposium will receive a free lunch ticket to the BBQ cook-off being held at the farm show. The symposium will be held in the Conference Center at the RMB Regional Fairgrounds. The farm and ranch show will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on October 2nd and 3rd. For more information on events happening at the farm show, click here.
USCP Seeking External Committee Member Applicants – The Sorghum Checkoff is now accepting applications from individuals interested in serving as an external committee member on one of the board of director’s three committees: Crop Improvement, High Value Markets and Renewables. Responsibilities of external committee members include – following all USCP board policies while acting as a resource and providing supportive information, attending scheduled committee meetings and/or calls, and voting on projects and issues brought before the committee. Applicaitons can be found at www.SorghumCheckoff.com and submitted to positions@sorghumcheckoff.com. The deadline for application submission is Oct. 7, 2013. Applications will be reviewed and accepted by the board on or before Dec. 11, 2013.