Rain Across Texas! – The image shows precipitation totals for the past 7 days across Texas. The image is provided by the National Weather Service – Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service. To view precipitation totals for one day, one month or even the past year, visit www.weather.gov/precip/. You can also edit your search to include different states or by specific counties.
Update on Sugarcane Aphid in RGV – Danielle Sekula Ortiz of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension in the Lower Rio Grande Valley reported that sorghum fields in all 3 counties throughout the Valley are experiencing high sugarcane aphid populations. Many growers have been treating their fields and some have started to make second spray applications to control the aphid. She reminds growers to monitor their sorghum fields weekly by inspecting under flag leaves and under lower leaves. She recently held a meeting about sorghum and the sugarcane aphid. The powerpoint presentation from the meeting can be found by clicking here. To contact Danielle, you can email her at danielle.sekula@ag.tamu.edu.
Success at Export Sorghum Event – The first annual Export Sorghum Event hosted by USCP and TGSP was deemed a success by attendees. The event was held May 19-21 in Houston, Texas. There were approximately 20 international grain buyers from China, Japan, Mexico and Spain and approximately 30 domestic grain sellers. During the event, attendees were provided insight on sorghum markets, trade opportunities, nutritional values, contract education and logistics information. The significance of Export Sorghum is tremendous as it provided invaluable networking opportunities in hopes of leading to future market opportunities for sorghum producers. Attendees filled out surveys at the conclusion of the event and comments indicated it was “one of the best events I have ever attended.” Attendees related most closely with the topics covering the future of sorghum and the nutritional value of sorghum. In addition to the presentations, some of the attendees toured a sorghum operation owned by Calvin Schultz in Guy, Texas and also toured Cargill at the Port of Houston.