Texas Sorghum Insider

December 10, 2014

Sugarcane Aphid Tolerant Sorghum Hybrids Announced – Recently, two sorghum seed companies, Monsanto and Chromatin, announced findings of sugarcane aphid tolerant sorghum hybrids. In a release Dec. 4, Monsanto said, “Third-Party evaluation performed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Stillwater, Okla., has confirmed that two DEKALB ® Sorghum products, DKS37-07 variety & PULSAR brand, exhibit a high level of genetic tolerance to the sugarcane aphid.
“In the screening evaluation, both products showed extremely low levels of chlorotic damage from the sugarcane aphid compared to the known tolerant check line TX2783. Additionally, DKS37-07 showed very positive plant height and early health ratings when exposed to the pest. These products combined with continued scouting and an effecting spray program as needed, will give growers the best opportunity to limit sugarcane aphid damage on their farms.”
Chromatin also released a statement regarding their resistant sorghum varieties.
“A third-party evaluation conducted by the Agricultural Research Service division of the USDA verified that several Sorghum Partners® brand sorghum hybrids exhibit strong tolerance to the sugarcane aphid pest. The use of SP6929, KS310, NK5418, and K73-J6 hybrids, as part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program, can effectively reduce the impact of a sugarcane aphid infestation.” Please remember that these hybrids are not showing resistance but tolerance.
To read either release in their entirety follow the links:  Monsanto Release / Chromatin Release.

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High Plains & South Plains AgriLife Sorghum Variety Trials – Results for the Perryton Irrigated Trial, Hereford Irrigated Trial, Lubbock Dryland Trial and Lubbock Irrigated Trial have been posted on Texas A&M AgriLife’s Variety Testing website. Basic agronomic data and the top three yielding varieties are presented in the table below. For more details and results of all hybrids, please visit the AgriLife variety testing website. Results from other areas of the state that were harvested earlier in the year are also posted.

Location Date Planted # of Varieties MEAN Yield(lbs/A) Previous Crop Irrigation Highest Yielding Variety Second Highest Yielding Variety Third Highest Yielding Variety
Hereford Irrigated 5/20 51 6,718 Fallow 4.5” of row water on 7/23 8,306Monsanto Co.DEKALBDKS51-01 8,262MonsantoDEKALBDKS49-45 8,076Terral Seed Inc.REV®RV9562™
Perryton Irrigated 5/21 49 9,019 Fallow 5 furrow applications in season of approx3” each 10,807Monsanto Co.DEKALBDKS53-53 10,652MonsantoDEKALBDKS53-67 10,294Armor Seed, LLCArmor BANDIT
Lubbock Irrigated 5/21 47 4,244 Sorghum 1 pre-plant; 1 in-season of approx 4.5 acre inches 5,785Alta SeedsAG3201 5,172Browning SeedChallenger BMX 5,121Alta SeedsAG3101
Lubbock Dryland 7/19 29 1,763 Cotton 1 pre-plant of approx 4.5 acre inches for planting 2,216AgriLifeATx2752xRTx430 2,170Terral Seed Inc.REV®TV9782™ 2,145Monsanto Co.DEKALBDKS41-50

Upcoming Farm Bill Meetings
Friday, December 19
Floyd & Crosby County featuring Dr. Joe Outlaw (A&M ANFPC)
8:00 am – 11:00 am
Floyd Co. Unity Center

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House Addresses Tax Extenders Issue – National Sorghum Producers (NSP) recently released information on the tax extender issue addressed in the House of Representatives last week where they  voted to address several expired tax policies affecting farmers and ranchers. The House-passed legislation provides a one-year extension and includes the following pieces relevant to America’s sorghum farmers:
· Extends the Sec. 179 small business deduction of up to $500,000 for new/used equipment (Sec. 127 of the bill);
· Extends the 50 percent bonus depreciation for the first year on certain property purchased for business use (Sec. 125);
· Extends the charitable deduction for certain food donations (Sec. 126); and
· Extends the 50 percent deduction for landowners who give conservation easements to a government agency or land trust entity, and includes the enhanced dedication of up to 100 percent (over 16 years) for certain qualified farmers/ranchers (Sec. 106).
The Senate is expected to take up the measurement next week with the possibility it will go to the White House for the President’s signature in 10-15 days. NSP recently joined a group of agriculture and business groups in a letter to Members of Congress urging them address the tax policies. The letter can be read here.

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