Eminent Domain Database – In two weeks, the Comptroller’s office will begin constructing an online database for public and private entities operating with eminent domain authority. The Comptroller’s office has been collecting information for the database, which was established by SB 1812 during last year’s 84th Legislative Session, since December 7th, 2015 and will conclude the bulk of the information gathering phase on February 1st. The database is designed to enhance transparency of the eminent domain process by establishing a continuously updating platform. Each year, entities with eminent domain authority will not only have to provide the basics like their name, address, and contact information, but they will also have to detail:
- The legal provision(s) granting the entity’s eminent domain authority;
- The focus or scope of the eminent domain authority granted to the entity;
- The earliest date the entity had authority to exercise the power of eminent domain;
- The entity’s taxpayer identification number, if any;
- Whether the entity exercised its eminent domain authority in the preceding calendar year by filing a condemnation petition under Section 21.012, Property Code
The database will be live and available to browse on September 1st, 2016. We will keep you updated as its development continues. In the mean time, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with current eminent domain entities by exploring the information obtained from SB 1812’s precursor: SB 18 from the 82nd Legislative Session.
Leadership Sorghum Applications Open – If you are interested in applying for Leadership Sorghum Class III, the Sorghum Checkoff will be accepting applications Jan. 4-April 30, 2016. Interviews with selected applicants will take place in late May 2016. Leadership Sorghum Class III will be announced June 30, 2016.
In order to be eligible for Leadership Sorghum, participants must meet the following requirements:
- Be a farmer actively engaged in sorghum production
- An applicant who is actively engaged in sorghum production but is employed by an operation must have employer approval
- Men and women are encouraged to apply
- Applicants must be U.S. citizens
For more information on Leadership Sorghum and to review the Leadership Sorghum Class III selection criteria, click here.
TWDB now accepting applications for Fiscal Year 2016 Agricultural Water Conservation Grants – The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) is now accepting applications for Fiscal Year 2016 Agricultural Water Conservation Grants.
Applications are due to the TWDB no later than Wednesday, February 17, 2016, at 12:00 p.m.
TWDB has up to $600,000 in grant funding available, with applications limited to a maximum of $150,000 per project. Eligible grant categories this year include:
- Technical assistance, outreach, education, and demonstrations
- Agricultural water use monitoring equipment
- Feasibility study for development of a statewide evapotranspiration network
- Study of irrigation efficiency in Texas
For more information, please view the full request for applications and instructions on how to apply at http://www.twdb.texas.gov/about/contract_admin/request/rfa_02.asp.
Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Cameron Turner at 512-936-6090 or cameron.turner@twdb.texas.gov for more information about grant opportunities this year.