Comments Due Today for Transform Section 18–The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has opened a brief comment period on a Section 18 application by the Texas Department of Agriculture for use of sulfoxaflor, which goes by the brand name Transform, on up to three million acres of sorghum this growing season to control the sugarcane aphid. The EPA issued a cancellation order for sulfoxaflor in November 2015 in response to a ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Transform has been an important tool for sorghum producers, used by more than 10 states under the previous Section 18 emergency use exemption. Comments must be submitted by 4 p.m. CST today to be considered. To submit a comment, please follow this link: Sorghum Action Alert.
Over-the-Top Grass Control Approved for Sorghum–The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced the registration approval of the active ingredient nicosulfuron (active ingredient in DuPont™ ZEST ™ herbicide) that will complete the ingredient in the non-GMO DuPont™ Inzen™ herbicide tolerant sorghum trait. This product will provide growers with the first ever over-the-top grass control for sorghum. DuPont Pioneer and Advanta US have a joint agreement to commercialize DuPont™ Inzen™ herbicide-tolerant sorghum. DuPont received registration approval Nov. 10 from EPA for tolerances to nicosulfuron and rimsulfuron on sorghum varieties containing the DuPont™ Inzen™ herbicide-tolerant trait, an important first step to the approval for the herbicide ZEST™. As new hybrids become available, the sorghum industry will emphasize best management practices to ensure the long-term viability and sustainability of this technology.
Texas Sorghum Producers attend Annual D.C. Fly-In–Last week, National Sorghum Producers held their annual fly-in in Washington, D.C. Sorghum producers from over a dozen states joined with NSP to raise knowledge and awareness among legislators regarding the sorghum industry and issues farmers are facing. The producers from Texas had a chance to sit down with congressmen and women from each of their districts, including chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, Mike Conaway and the staffs of Senators Ted Cruz and John Cornyn. In each meeting, Texas producers reiterated the importance of stability in agriculture policy and reminded legislators of the far-reaching, real world impacts of over-regulation, unnecessary Farm Bill meddling, and other heavy-handed policy decisions. Each congressman and woman expressed their gratitude at the efforts made by these farmers to get out to The Hill and educate them on the most pressing issues facing agriculture today. In order to ensure the agriculture industry gets its fair political representation, we need constant engagement from authentic voices. This engagement must also occur at the state level, and with less than a year until the next Texas Legislature enters session, we would love to hear what issues you would like to see us work with your representatives to remedy.